Connie the Clever Cockie presents: Evidence Overview – Evidence to Inform Quit Campaigns

There are different ways people can quit smoking and choosing the best method will depend on individual preferences and experiences. Learning about different ways to quit and working out which method might work best is a key part of a person’s quit journey. Whilst TIS does not fund smoking cessation support, TIS workers still need up-to-date knowledge of the support available to people wanting to […]

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Connie the Clever Cockie presents: Research Roundup June 2023

  Welcome to the latest Tobacco Control News – Research Roundup, presented by Connie the Clever Cockie. This month, Connie has put together a summary of three new pieces of evidence covering factors that protect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth from starting smoking, as well as those factors that increase the risk of taking up smoking; the implementation, impact and acceptability of the Quit […]

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Connie the Clever Cockie presents: Evidence in Brief – UK not OK: news from overseas

Welcome to the latest Tobacco Control News – Research Roundup, presented by Connie the Clever Cockie.  You have probably heard the recent news from overseas that the UK Government is launching a program to encourage people who smoke to switch to vaping. Under the ‘Swap to Stop’ scheme one million people who smoke in England will be given a free vaping starter kit. This is […]

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Connie the Clever Cockie presents: Evidence in Brief – Vaping Prevalence Rates

Welcome to the latest Tobacco Control News – Research Roundup on vaping prevalence rates, presented by Connie the Clever Cockie. You might not have seen me at the National TIS Workers Workshop last week, but I was listening carefully to what you all had to say, especially around the topic of vaping (e-cigarette use). It was fantastic to hear about all the amazing work you […]

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Connie the Clever Cockie presents: Evidence in Brief – Social Media

Welcome to the latest Tobacco Control News – Research Roundup, presented by Connie the Clever Cockie. This month, Connie has put together a summary of the latest evidence on using social media to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing. Click on the thumbnail to read the summaries of five papers, including: Mature aged Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults are using digital […]

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Connie the Clever Cockie presents: Evidence in Brief – Vaping

Just a quick update on e-cigarettes this month: in November 2022, Cochrane updated their review of the use of e-cigarettes (vaping) for smoking cessation. This review is updated regularly and looks at whether vaping for smoking cessation is: effective; safe. For more of Connie the Clever Cockie’s updates, visit the Tobacco Control News page.

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Connie the Clever Cockie presents: Research Roundup on Vaping in Youth

Welcome to the first Tobacco Control News – Research Roundup, presented by Connie the Clever Cockie. This month, Connie has put together a summary of the latest evidence on Vaping in Youth. Click on the thumbnail to read the summaries of six papers, including: E-cigarette use and the relationship to smoking among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Indigenous Australian Secondary Students, 2017 Vaping product […]

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New paper finds positive impact of Tackling Indigenous Smoking program

A paper released this month by researchers at the Australian National University (ANU) has highlighted the positive impact that the Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) program is having on tobacco-related behaviours and attitudes in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. The study found that areas of Australia where the TIS program is present, compared to non-TIS areas, have a significantly lower prevalence of: smoking inside households […]

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iSISTAQUIT: How your service can be involved

What is iSISTAQUIT? iSISTAQUIT (implement Supporting Indigenous Smokers To Assist Quitting) is designed to increase health service capacity by providing best practice training in smoking cessation to healthcare workers who have contact with pregnant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women. The iSISTAQUIT training and implementation package has been updated and is ready to launch! What’s new? The package has been co-developed with input from specialist […]

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Sharing your World No Tobacco Day events and pictures

On Thursday 31 May 2018, people around the globe observed World No Tobacco Day, an opportunity to highlight the health and other risks associated with smoking tobacco. The 37 Tackling Indigenous Smoking teams across Australia hosted a number of events as part of World No Tobacco Day. Please see below for some information about how each team got involved with this important day. Bega Garnbirringu […]

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About the TIS program

The Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) program aims to improve the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people by reducing the prevalence of tobacco use through population health promotion activities. Population health promotion activities are an important feature of overall tobacco control and are recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). Recent findings from the Mayi Kuwayu study provide strong evidence that these activities are working to encourage […]

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Advisory Group members

Please see below for a full list of the current National Best Practice Unit for Tackling Indigenous Smoking (NBPU TIS) Advisory Group members. Mr Bradley Brown (Chair) Aboriginal Prevention Program Manager, Cancer Council Victoria Bradley’s blood line is Gunditjmara, which is located in Western Victoria. He is proud of his Aboriginal and Irish descent and has strong family, community and cultural values. He has over […]

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What does NBPU TIS do? The National Best Practice Unit Tackling Indigenous Smoking (NBPU TIS) has been established to provide tailored support to organisations funded under the national Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) program. The NBPU TIS can assist organisations with TIS-related matters, such as: accessing research, information and resources on population health promotion and tobacco control developing Activity Work Plans for TIS activities developing local […]

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Very brief advice

Very brief advice (VBA) is an evidence-based approach to increasing quit attempts. The purpose of VBA is to engage with people who smoke and get them to think about quitting. The aim is not to tell people how they should behave (quit smoking), but to guide them to the quit support that is available. VBA focuses on offering help by providing: information about where to […]

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Mass media and social media campaigns

Mass media and social media campaigns use social marketing techniques to try and reduce the number of people who smoke and/or vape by changing attitudes, beliefs, and intentions about tobacco and/or vape use. Social marketing uses knowledge about the intended audience to develop targeted marketing messages. Campaigns promote being smoke and vape free as desirable and attainable. They do this by: sharing information about the […]

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Contact the National Best Practice Unit

Eileen Van Iersel – Manager Primary contact for Grant Recipients and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations Email: Ph: (08) 8211 0430 General enquiries Email: Ph: 1800 662 447 (1800 NO CIGS) – toll free

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About the Tackling Indigenous Smoking Resource and Information Centre

The Tackling Indigenous Smoking Resource and Information Centre (TISRIC) has been developed by the National Best Practice Unit Tackling Indigenous Smoking (NBPU TIS) to support the use of best practice by organisations funded under the Australian Government Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) program. The emphasis for organisations delivering TIS activities (regional grant holders) is to: make sure their activities are based on evidence of effectiveness (there […]

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