TIS six monthly performance report template (1 July 2023 – 30 June 2027)
From 1 January 2024, TIS six monthly performance reporting will be via the Australian Government’s online system – the Health Data Portal (HDP). All lead organisations will need to complete an online form provided through this portal. User help for the portal is available here or by contacting the HDP team: indigenousreporting@health.gov.au.
Submission dates for 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2027 are as follows:
NBPU TIS will provide feedback within two weeks for AWP Word documents received by the due date indicated above.
The document below has been created to give you an idea of the content that will be needed for the report (click to download).
If required you can also use this document to gather the information you need to complete your online report (for example, from partner organisations where you are delivering the program as a consortium).
Please note: you should not use this document to submit your report. From 1 January 2024 performance report data will only be accepted via the online form provided in the portal. Word document templates or PDFs will no longer be accepted.
The Performance Report Guidance below includes an example of how to complete the different sections of the online template.
Please contact your NBPU TIS Project Officer if you need any further information on the online reporting process.