Connie the Clever Cockie presents: Research Round Up – Passive Vaping

Most people are aware of the harms of second- and third-hand smoke from tobacco (‘passive smoking’), but what do we know about passive vaping? This month I decided to see what the evidence says. Click on the thumbnail to read the summaries of four recent research papers that shed light on this topic, including:

  • Passive exposure of non-smokers to e-cigarette aerosols: Sensory irritation, timing and association with volatile organic compounds
  • Indoor air quality and passive e-cigarette aerosol exposures in vape-shops
  • Second hand electronic cigarette aerosol in vehicles impacts indoor air quality
  • Passive exposure to electronic cigarette aerosol in pregnancy: A case study of a family.

The key take home message for TIS is that the health risks of passive vaping should not be underestimated. Homes and cars should be vape-free, as well as smoke-free, to protect children and adults from exposure to harmful second- and third-hand aerosol.

For more of Connie the Clever Cockie’s updates, visit the Tobacco Control News page.