TIS Success Stories

The stories below have been submitted by Tackling Indigenous Smoking teams from around Australia to share the work that they have been doing in their communities. In these stories teams describe:

  • the area their TIS team services
  • their recent successful activity
  • who the activity was designed to reach
  • what they have achieved through the activity.

If you would like to share your team’s story, you can download the template for writing your success stories here. Contact your Project Officer or the NBPU TIS Marketing and Communications Manager to submit your success story: communications@nintione.com.au.

Danila Dilba Health Service
May 2024

Danila Dilba Health Service
November 2023

Bullinah Aboriginal Health Service
July 2023

Bullinah Aboriginal Health Service
May 2023

Wellington Aboriginal Corporation Health Service December 2022

Bullinah Aboriginal Health Service
October 2022

Lakes Entrance Aboriginal Health Association October 2022

Geraldton Regional Aboriginal Medical Service story September 2022

Geraldton Regional Aboriginal Medical Service story September 2022

Bega Garnbirringu Health Service story August 2022


Bega Garnbirringu Health Service story August 2022

Apunipima Cape York Health Council story July 2022

Apunipima Cape York Health Council story July 2022

Nganampa Health Council story June 2022

Nganampa Health Council story June 2022

North Coast Aboriginal Corporation for Community Health story May 2022

North Coast Aboriginal Corporation for Community Health story May 2022

Institute of Urban Indigenous Health story May 2022

Institute of Urban Indigenous Health story May 2022

Galambila Aboriginal Health Service story February 2022

Galambila Aboriginal Health Service February 2022

Wheatbelt Tackling Indigenous Smoking story November 2021

Wheatbelt Tackling Indigenous Smoking story November 2021

Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation story October 2021

Anyinginyi Health Aboriginal Corporation story October 2021

Bullinah Aboriginal Health Service story September 2021

Torres Health Indigenous Corporation story August 2021

Torres Health Indigenous Corporation story August 2021

Torres Health Indigenous Corporation story August 2021

Dandenong and District Aborigines Co-operative Ltd story July 2021

Dandenong and District Aborigines Co-operative Ltd story July 2021

Awabakal story June 2021

Awabakal story June 2021

Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia story May 2021

Aboriginal Health Council of South Australia Story May 2021

Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation story October 2019

Winda-Mara Aboriginal Corporation story October 2019

Archived presentations

In 2018, TIS teams gave presentations about their activities via telelink. View archived presentations and recordings.