Evaluation documents
Evaluation 2022/23 – 2025/26
A national evaluation of the TIS program will take place. The evaluation of the TIS program for the next phase of the program will be split into a two-part process. The Culturally Inclusive Research Centre Australia (CIRCA) will conduct part A of the TIS evaluation (implementation and process evaluation). The Australian National University (ANU) will conduct part B (impact evaluation).
The TIS Program Logic 2023-26 is an overview of what the TIS program is trying to achieve over the next implementation period. It has been developed by CIRCA for Part A of the TIS evaluation. It maps out the inputs, activities, and outputs, as well as the desired short-, medium-, and long-term outcomes for the program. Short-term outcomes are focused on changes in people’s understanding, medium-term outcomes are focused on changes in people’s intentions or motivations, and long-term outcomes are about behavioural changes. The diagram includes small icons so you can easily see which stakeholders the different outcomes refer to.
Evaluation 2018/19 – 2021/22
The implementation and process evaluation of the TIS program from 2018/19 – 2021/22 was conducted by CIRCA. The evaluation looked at:
- program appropriateness, evidence base and national supports;
- whether it’s on target to achieve its short and medium term goals;
- program enablers and barriers.
You can read CIRCA’s Tackling Indigenous Smoking Program final evaluation report (2018/19 – 2021/22) here.
The report shows that the program is implementing evidence-based approaches to promote population health as intended, and is achieving successful outcomes.
- Key findings for the Regional Tobacco Control Grants (RTCG) Program funding evaluation can be found here.
- Key findings for the Remote Priority Group Grants (RPGG) Program funding evaluation can be found here.
Please find archived TIS evaluation documents here.