Monitoring and evaluation is taking place at two levels for the TIS program. All TIS funded organisations are expected to monitor their activities and evaluate project outcomes at a local level. A national evaluation of all the components of the TIS program is also being carried out:
Teams completing performance reports for 1 January – 30 June 2023 should refer to the PDF below which outlines the National TIS Performance Indicators for this funding period.
National Indicator 1: Eligible, evidence-based population health promotion activities are being implemented, monitored and improved upon (if necessary).
National Indicator 2: Activities are reaching intended audiences.
National Indicator 3: Eligible TIS activities and messaging are co-designed with local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to ensure they are culturally safe for the local community.
National Indicator 4: Formal and informal partnerships are engaged and facilitate support for eligible TIS activities
National Indicator 5: Intended audiences have increased awareness about how to access quit support.
National Indicator 6: Intended audiences have increased intentions to remain smoke-free, quit and/or stay quit.
National Indicator 7: Intended audiences have increased intentions to make and/or keep environments smoke-free.