Connie the Clever Cockie presents: Evidence Overview – Evidence to Inform Quit Campaigns
There are different ways people can quit smoking and choosing the best method will depend on individual preferences and experiences. Learning about different ways to quit and working out which method might work best is a key part of a person’s quit journey. Whilst TIS does not fund smoking cessation support, TIS workers still need up-to-date knowledge of the support available to people wanting to quit, as this can inform population health promotion campaigns and educational activities. Click on the thumbnail to read about different approaches to smoking cessation including:
- quitting unaided
- smoking cessation medication
- behavioural support.
The key take home message for TIS teams is that understanding different ways to quit smoking is crucial for effective tobacco control. This time of year often prompts people to consider quitting, so it’s important to encourage action when motivation to quit is high. Read the full evidence overview here.
For more of Connie the Clever Cockie’s updates, visit the Tobacco Control News page.