Welcome to the latest Tobacco Control News – Research Roundup on vaping prevalence rates, presented by Connie the Clever Cockie. You might not have seen me at the National TIS Workers Workshop last week, but I was listening carefully to what you all had to say, especially around the topic of vaping (e-cigarette use). It was fantastic to hear about all the amazing work you are all doing to prevent the uptake of vaping by youth in the Nation-to-Nation Café.
Some of you were also keen to know more about vaping prevalence rates for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. At the moment the information we have nationally and locally is quite limited, but what information we do have is available on the TIS website on the Facts about vaping (e-cigarettes) page.
Read my Research Roundup on Vaping Prevalence Rates for a brief summary of what the current published evidence says.
For more of Connie the Clever Cockie’s updates, visit the Tobacco Control News page.