Young people
Smoking among young people
The proportion of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people starting to smoke has decreased, which will result in improved health outcomes over time.
Data source: 2022-23 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey
Data source: 2022-23 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey
Data source: Tobacco in Australia/2017 Australian Secondary Students’ Alcohol and Drug (ASSAD) survey
Data source: Tobacco in Australia/2017 Australian Secondary Students’ Alcohol and Drug (ASSAD) survey
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young adults are also starting smoking later.

Data source: Heris et al. 2020
Vaping among young people
Rates of vaping, however, are on the increase. According to recent evidence:
Data source: 2022-23 National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey
Data source: 2017 Australian Secondary Students’ Alcohol and Drug (ASSAD) Survey
One study suggests that vaping may be as high as 68% in 14-17 year olds Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth living in NSW, although this finding is based on a very small number of responses (38) and should be treated with caution. An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander led project is currently in development which will give more insight into why Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth vape.
Recreational vaping by youth is a concern and one which must be addressed alongside smoking prevention activities because evidence suggests:

Source: World Health Organization
- vaping can be a gateway to smoking
- it is not harm free
- vapes can contain high levels of nicotine (even if labelled as nicotine free)
- nicotine is a toxin, especially for young people – it affects brain development.
Much of the vaping market is owned by the tobacco industry and evidence suggests that the industry is targeting youth through marketing on social media, particularly Instagram and TikTok. This marketing glamourises vaping and presents it as being ‘cool’. Products are misrepresented as being harm free and even as healthy. Vaping flavours such as bubble-gum, banana milkshake and strawberry slushie appear to be designed to appeal to young people. Vaping also has its own etiquettes and social scene with its own jargon (e.g. cloud chasing). These social norms support the uptake and maintenance of vaping in the same way that social networks support and normalise tobacco use.
The prevention campaigns below have been developed in the United States and can give you an idea of what is being done internationally to reduce vaping rates among young people. As always, any TIS activities should be tailored to your own communities, using your knowledge of local needs, preferences and values.
NSW Health has produced a factsheet and video, co-designed with Aboriginal young people, to provide young people with information about vaping and the negative impacts it can have on health and wellbeing. The Lung Foundation Australia has also produced a resource package, in partnership with La Perouse Local Aboriginal Land Council’s TIS team Na Joomelah, and the NBPU TIS, to help young First Nations people better understand how vaping can affect them, the people around them and the environment:
- Vaping and First Nations young people fact sheet
- Choose vape free for Country: vaping and the environment video
- Choose vape free for you and me: health harms of vaping video
- Choosing to be vape free video.
The Alcohol and Drug Foundation has also produced resources to help parents and those working with young people to understand the issues and potential risks of vaping so they can have a constructive conversation with a young person that they may be concerned about:
For more information on vaping, visit the Facts about vaping page. A detailed summary of relevant contemporary research on youth vaping and the impact of two evidence-based activities from Canada and the USA is available here.
To find relevant resources, visit the Resources to support activities page and filter resources by ‘Young people’. To find information on community education activities for young people, including school-based activities visit the Community Education page.
Featured icon artwork by Frances Belle Parker: The HealthInfoNet commissioned Frances Parker, a proud Yaegl woman, mother and artist, to produce a suite of illustrated icons for use in our knowledge exchange products. Frances translates biomedical and statistically based information into culturally sensitive visual representations, to provide support to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce and those participating in research and working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their communities.