Connie the Clever Cockie presents: Research Roundup – Latest Findings from the Koori Quit Pack study
Hello TIS teams! I’m back again this month for a quick update on the findings from the Koori Quit Pack study, which was led by Associate Professor Michelle Kennedy in 2022. Three exciting papers have recently been published with a focus on understanding how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who smoke can be better supported in their quit journey. While TIS does not deliver smoking cessation support, we can still learn a lot from these papers about the value of culturally safe and acceptable quit support programs.
Take home message for TIS teams
Whilst TIS funding does not cover supplying NRT, or delivering smoking cessation activities, informing people about their options for accessing NRT and other cessation supports is an important TIS program activity. TIS teams should familiarise themselves with the culturally safe cessation supports are available locally so they can promote them to community. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people find NRT safe and effective for assisting their quit journey. However, they need clear information about what NRT is, where it’s available locally, and how to access it. TIS can provide this information at a population level through activities such as social marketing campaigns, social media messaging, or education and engagement activities at events.
Click on the thumbnail to the right to read Connie’s full update.
For more of Connie the Clever Cockie’s updates, visit the Tobacco Control News page.