Connie the Clever Cockie presents: Research Round Up – Messaging for Pregnant Women
For this month’s research roundup, I decided to look at recent papers describing best practice messaging to promote smoking cessation for pregnant women. Although TIS does not deliver smoking cessation, we can still learn valuable lessons about effective health promotion messaging from smoking cessation research and practice.
Take Home Message for TIS Teams:
Prioritising culturally sensitive approaches when designing and promoting smoking cessation resources for pregnant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women is crucial. This involves partnering with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, engaging in dialogue during resource development, and respecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge and perspectives. It’s important to tailor health messages to people, considering factors such as motivation levels and cultural aspects. Providing clear information and promotion about where to seek support and how to access services is necessary. This will help women engage with the support services available, easing their journey to quit smoking and maintaining a smoke-free lifestyle.
Click on the thumbnail to the right to read the full roundup.
For more of Connie the Clever Cockie’s updates, visit the Tobacco Control News page.