About the Tackling Indigenous Smoking Resource and Information Centre
The Tackling Indigenous Smoking Resource and Information Centre (TISRIC) has been developed by the National Best Practice Unit Tackling Indigenous Smoking (NBPU TIS) to support the use of best practice by organisations funded under the Australian Government Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) program.
The emphasis for organisations delivering TIS activities (regional grant holders) is to:
- make sure their activities are based on evidence of effectiveness (there is information that the activity has worked well to reduce smoking prevalence in a similar situation)
- measure the impact which they are having on smoking behaviours in their region (monitoring and evaluation) and feeding this into a continuous quality improvement process (developing and improving TIS activities to be more effective)
- take a population health promotion approach, maximising program reach across the region for which they are funded.
The TISRIC supports TIS-funded organisations by bringing together information and evidence on what works for tackling smoking in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities as well as providing a space where funded organisations can share their knowledge of what is working in their local community.
Information on the TISRIC is provided to help TIS-funded organisations choose:
- evidence based activities
- resources to support those activities
- information/tools for evaluating and monitoring TIS activities.
The TISRIC is managed and run by NBPU TIS, who will keep it updated with information and tools to help TIS-funded organisations to plan, monitor and improve their evidence-based activities.
TIS-funded organisations are encouraged to share information about what is working to reduce tobacco use in their local area. If you have information about activities or programs that are making a difference to reduce smoking, please contact NBPU TIS.