What does NBPU TIS do?
The National Best Practice Unit Tackling Indigenous Smoking (NBPU TIS) has been established to provide tailored support to organisations funded under the national Tackling Indigenous Smoking (TIS) program.
The NBPU TIS can assist organisations with TIS-related matters, such as:
- accessing research, information and resources on population health promotion and tobacco control
- developing Activity Work Plans for TIS activities
- developing local measures and monitoring the impact of TIS activities
- accessing relevant training and networking opportunities.
TIS teams are strongly encouraged to talk to their NBPU TIS Project Officers throughout their resource development process, so that the Project Officers can provide feedback to ensure that resources are in line with the TIS program principles. You can read the NBPU TIS’s Resource Development Advice for TIS Teams here.
The NBPU TIS is not expected to assist with organisational matters such as business administration or governance.
Who is the NBPU TIS?
NBPU TIS is a consortium led by Ninti One Ltd and includes the Health Research Institute at the University of Canberra, and the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet based at Edith Cowan University.
This diagram demonstrates the NBPU TIS structure.
About the NBPU TIS logo
The NBPU TIS logo was created by Allan Sumner. Allan is a descendent of the Ngarrindjeri people who come from the lower Murray and the lakes of the Murray River along the Coorong of South Australia. He is also descendant of the Kaurna people from the Adelaide plains region and the Yankunytjatjara people from central Australia.
The logo represents how the NBPU TIS supports regional tobacco grant recipients across Australia in their efforts to reduce the rates of smoking among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The circles represent the NBPU TIS’s various meeting places with grant recipients across all states and territories and the travelling lines are depicted between them. The dots at the top left and bottom right represent the creation of new pathways in tackling tobacco, breaking away the barriers and reducing the rates of smoking among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
Please note: If you would like to utilise the NBPU TIS logo, please do not do so without seeking permission from the NBPU TIS. You can contact the NBPU TIS here. TIS Teams may use the national TIS logo on local TIS merchandise and materials. Teams can find links to the artwork files, as well as a simple branding guidelines document here.